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Adventures in Cord Cutting

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Welcome to the Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for June 2. Cord cutting is the big topic for today.

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Northfield, Minnesota

This lovely college town boasts 2 thriving private colleges, Carleton College and St. Olaf. The downtown is pretty with many interesting shops. The big festival here celebrates the time Jesse James robbed the local bank.  More >>

Adventures in Cord Cutting

All of those cable, phone, and Internet expenses add up, especially for snowbirds with 2 homes. We just took the plunge and got rid of cable TV. Here is how we did it >>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

15 Years Out - What I've Learned About Retirement

Retirement is a continuing process. You start out in one direction, but along the way you can get deflected. Here's what (I think) I've learned>>


Merritt Island, Florida

Nature gets top billing here, courtesy of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, 22 square miles of wetlands and home to more than 300 species of birds. Many retirees enjoy this laid back part of Florida, half way down its east coast.  More >>

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